
Case Studies

Tailored consulting services

July 27, 2022

  • Infrastructure Engineer

  • IT infrastructure Operation


Nationwide maintenance or onsite was the challenge NICHIEI INTERNATIONAL INCORPORATED were facing. With our dispatch services from Sapporo to Okinawa, we were able to meet their needs. Our tailored consulting services can enhance your company strength, rather than solving their problems.

Background: Our company’s challenge was nationwide maintenance or onsite services, prior to the contract with ISF NET.

Key Factor:We were able to not only improve our services, but also elevate the quality of services by creating our new values while running together with our requirements. Consultation by ISF NET was one of the main key factors we chose from other companies.

Results:ISF NET’s strength is in outsourcing such as kitting service, maintenance, operation, or security which allows us to consistently consult with ISF NET and as a result lead to the solution.

1, Challenge

We were often receiving onsite requests from foreign customers; however, during the time when onsite requests occur simultaneously outside of Tokyo, we were unable to support ourselves.

2, Be Flexible and Create Values

At ISF NET, you are able to search for a new company’s values with their consultation. ISF NET was able to understand our request which enabled us to provide new values to our customers. It’s like a process of creating a new value to enhance our company strength rather than selecting from the existing options.

Moreover, the number of companies such as ISF NET, which are capable of onsite services and also flexible services, are fading. And so we are highly counting on the service they provide, which focuses on consultation.

3, Secure Operation on Post-implementation

There are many challenges for operation within the company. The IT team is just as busy as usual, they don’t have time to deal with operations when companies implement new systems. But ISF NET’s service makes it possible to solve those issues.
I am highly relying on their services and I always receive positive responses from the team. Beyond our expectation, ISF NET is very helpful in handling PC kitting service and operation/maintenance/security services.

4, Expectation For Not Only Domestic But Also For The Global Business

We hope that ISF NET will establish their global goals. Currently, the IT industry is progressing more outside Japan. With their strength in extensive support services, I am wishing ISF NET to expand more cases in foreign countries.